Since Belynda jumped the gun and decided to get back at all the nasty twitters we sent her yesterday for being late on her first entry… here is my SECOND entry into this here blog-thing. In keeping with the seemingly “5 Things” theme on the second “Blog-enning” entries that Belynda and Brandon did, I will now list 5 things about myself or something that happened in my life that could be lies. You get to decide which is which.
- When I was a baby, my father was trying to administer to my behind *cough* and I was wiggling around a lot. In order to complete the task he bent my body in half and I threw up red gunk all over the place. He thought I threw up blood and started screaming thinking he broke the baby. When in fact, my mother had just fed me red jell-o earlier in the day!
- I once drove to Boston from New York just to say “hi” to a friend and then drove all the way back home.
- To try and win tickets to a concert “back in the day,” I video taped myself singing to “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” dressed up like a stereotypical chick from the 80s with huge crimped hair. Suffice it to say, I didn’t win the tickets and the video has been buried forever and you will never see it! MUAHAHA.
- I love my tiny car. Once I had to fit it in a tiny parking space at the train station and had to contort my body in different ways to get out of the car. But, it fit!
- My father gets the best ideas. We had a little red wagon that my parents used to cart us around when we went to amusement parks and on various trips. We’re talking smaller than a sled, on wheels. When we moved, our new house had a very steep concrete drive way. He put me in the sled and said “this will be fun!” and gave me a push down the drive way. My mother happened to be standing at the front window over looking the street, and was witness to my dramatic descent down the drive way and inevitable propulsion from the wagon to  the ground below. Let’s just say she had a few choice words for my dad.
That was fun. Enjoy!
I’m betting none of them are lies, and I swear I *will* find that video somehow… muahahahahaha
I just hope that the video one wasn’t a lie. My fingers are staying crossed.