As featured in:

Start Here
All the resources, training, and support you need to create a software engineering career that you love!

The FREE Expertise Building Master Class
You have always wanted to stand out from the crowd—but you feel like you don’t have anything worth sharing. Hate to say, but you’re wrong. You DO have something to tell the world, and I’ll show you how.

Generate Your Best Ideas—Quickly
A great talk starts with a great idea.
Stop overthinking your next tech talk! I’ve come up with this simple resource to help you brainstorm your best ideas in under 20 minutes.
Follow the 5 simple steps in this free guide to develop your game-changing tech talk topic.

Watch my game-changing Global Diversity CFP Day Presentation
Missed this year’s Global Diversity CFP Day? Have no fear! I recorded my workshop on Idea Generation just for you.

Get Inside the Head of a Tech Conference Organizer
Know what tech conference organizers are looking for, learn why tech talks get rejected and find out how tech talks get chosen in this free masterclass workshop.

Projects & Experiments
Developer Recipes
Developer Recipes explores the everyday topics that software engineers experience in their careers and daily lives.
Human Behind Code Podcast
Human Behind Code is a podcast exploring the person who creates the programs, routines, and features of your favorite products.
Join us as we talk about difficult situations, balancing a demanding career while navigating life’s challenges, and the lessons we’ve learned, even when they are difficult and painful.
Make Time for Your Side Project
Make Time for Your Side Project is a framework for finding time for your side project by utilizing proven methods of tracking, charting, and reflecting to eliminate the inessential and focus on impact.
The Blog
From personal to tech industry experiences, Rachel Ober regularly writes and shares insights through posts on her blog.