This week’s Blogenning Theme is Try Something New.
Lucky for me, I actually do that quite often, but this past week I took a class on something I wish I would have learned before my wedding.
I’ve been getting into crafting the past few years and I joke that I’m a middle-aged cat-woman because of my hobbies and the fact that I get to bed early most nights. Also a few years ago, I started attending “Crop Weekends” with a group of girls in the Tri-State area called “Cropper’s Delight.” Recently, they started adding more generalized crafting classes to the amenities they offered during their cropping weekends. I was particularly interested in their glass etching class after I saw Meryle’s various etching projects that she showed-off on Facebook.
After an exceptionally difficult car trip from Brooklyn to Mahwah, NJ, I finally made it to her class and learned how to etch a plate using a Critcutted vinyl template and some etching creme. I was absolutely amazed at how easy this technique was. After sticking the vinyl to the plate and applying a healthy coat of etching creme, it takes about 10 minutes for the chemical process to eat away at the glass and leave a permentant mark on your glass.
I say I wish I knew this technique before my wedding because it would have been much easier for me to create my own Sand Ceremony glasses rather than searching all over earth for someone to etch one for me and send it to me. It also would have been great to create my own favors with the technique.
After I showed Adam what I had produced, he immediately saw a deal on Gilt for recycled glass bottles and ordered me a few dozen with the aim of me taking custom orders off of Etsy. Now what am I going to do with all these bottles? 🙂