So some back story…
I’m trying to write a site game going on another domain and also I write silly fantasy stories on the side about this fantasy world I’ve created. To keep my mind somewhat organized in what I’ve created as dogma, I keep a wiki of concepts, characters… etc. The only wiki I’ve ever been somewhat pleased in was MediaWiki. If you’ve ever tried to dance with this beast, I am sure you will agree with me that it is a very ugly girlfriend and you wish you never looked under that hood.
Anyway, I haven’t really found anything I liked better so a while ago (I’m talking years) I installed it on my DreamHost server and tried to use their one click install robot to maintain it for me to try to keep what little sanity I have left.
Short story, that robot suck balls because after a few updates the actual site was unreachable because the database and code got un-synced and the shit just hit the fan and I was graduating last year and I just didn’t feel like dealing with that mess.

Today I finally spent a little time while eating lunch and was able to recover some of the data from the RhulWiki. Thankfully, I found an old version of MediaWiki, installed it, and loaded it with the old database and it seems everything is intact or semi intact. (Good news for me.) I have a bunch of information up about individual species and that’s kind of the primary source of information for a bunch of stories and stuff.
Whew. I hate MediaWiki but it’s kind of a necessary evil for what I want to do, I really needed a decent wiki to draft information on stuff I was writing. Now I gotta move the old pages to the new database I set up with the most recent software. I don’t know if I’ll ever update the software again after this mess.