My baby, Princess Isabella of Ascot, turns 2 today.
It’s hard to believe that we’ve been together for almost 2 years. Every day you look up to me to take care of you, feed you your favorite kibble, take you on long walks, and rub your belly and pat your head. There’s not much else you want from this world other than to feel loved and I’m here to give it!
Unfortunately, Izzie spent most of the day by herself because Adam and I had an engagement party to go to (or so we thought, we actually got the date wrong!) But when we got back, we fed her a special doggie version of a black and white cookie and her favorite treat, a tri-twisted bully stick.
She seemed to know it was a special day for her, every time she heard someone go by the apartment she would yell out, “It’s my birthday!” to anyone that would listen.